Since my bosses and co-workers never read this blog, my plans for next year.

Oct 21, 2010 13:34

While I am still working through this fair and the Greater Jacksonville Fair for my current boss, this may very well be my last season working for her as she recently pretty much told me I'm fucked when it comes to receiving the rest of the 2008 year-end bonus that she promised to pay me last year ($500) then tried to sick a goon on me! So if she wants me to work for her next year, I will be making a contract this off-season for her to sign and abide to following conditions (and if I have enough money this off-season I AM purchasing a gun!)

1. The remainder of the 2008 year-end bonus ($500) must be paid in full before I do any kind of work.
2. While I refuse to use any kind of violence on my boss, anyone used as hired muscle on me, no matter how important to the company the person may be, is prone to being stabbed, shot, or possibly both.
3. I will be paid no less than 20% of what I turn in for ANY game.
4. Some games, I may require a higher percentage.
5. Since I can no longer depend on the year-end bonuses as payment for driving, any time I drive, I am to be paid either $75 per load or 25 cents per mile, whichever is GREATER.

Chances are, this will mean the end of me working for Barbe & Ken's Concessions and kill my dunk tank gig with them next year, but I'm tired of getting screwed royally and the fact that she's trying to sick goons on me whenever I mention payment is really pissing me off! I have other options though, the main one I'm looking at is Ketchum Concessions on Wade Shows, who I've worked for before.
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