We know of an ancient radiation

Oct 25, 2007 19:44

That haunts dismembered constellations,
A faintly glimmering radio station.

If anything could describe the last ten months, you know lets just say the last year, I would have to say that it has been surreal. Simply that, and in so many ways. finally understanding and doing what was asked of me(and losing high school in the process) leaving martin hall and then enlisting. The five months of limbo as I waited for a spot in A school to open up, the two months of what can be best be described as a bad Hitchcock rip off that was boot camp to the three and a half months of A school where the information was not hard, but we had no time to learn it. Passing comp, getting frocked and then waking up in my own bed back here in fairhope. None of it has felt real, and none feels real still. The fact that when I returned home everything was just the way I left it makes this feel even more like a dream, and I still have not woken up. I have only seen a few people since getting back, and while I am glad that I say them, their are still a lot of people I wish I had seen that now I wont be able to. I leave for tally tomorrow to see my brother, and from there He is going to drive me to the airport. So I have not seen you, odds are I am not going to be able to. Sorry. Kinda.
One of the things that was high on my list once I got home was grabbing some important(to me at least) reading material, and I have gotten all of the books I wanted except one: "The Sand Pebble" still eludes me. No book stores carry it(not even the collector ones, and I cant find the copy that I know I have read. It will be nice to have some pants that fit, though to be honest I would rather grow into the navy issue pants. I cant keep a straight thought, I was never be able to and that has never bitten me more than in the ass than now.
I need to pack back up, I need to iron. I hate ironing. I am unsat. I wish I had seen more people. I wish for a lot of things. Wishes don't come true. Better to work for things and do them yourself.
One thing I have learned that is rather interesting: I will never meet my own expectations, and know this is part of it.
I still feel as if I am dreaming, and I don't think I will ever wake up.

Please excuse this mad hatter, it is Saint Crispins day and I am going to watch Henry V
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