fuck size regulations

Aug 30, 2010 23:53

hey everybody. i made another white ninja fan art, but because i 'didn't use the size regulations' they may or not put it on their website. oh well.  check it out:

in other news, theres been a picture i drew for the BoredBoard thats been on my wall forever.  i'm gunna take a picture of it as soon as i locate my camera and put it up here cause i kinda wanna draw more stuff on that. theres probably more of those pictures saved somewhere on my computer too.

I think i'm gunna get a deiviant art acount and put some stuff that isnt this crap on there (such as stuff from photo and misc. pics i took on the digicam).  my one thing about is that i hate taking like artsy pictures on my digital camera (it just doesnt feel right) so i dont know how oftan i would be updating it.

in more other news that doesnt apply to anyone but myself, i'm gunna try fixing the year of all my posts.  one day live journal desided it was 2010 and its been pissing me off cause i have to mark all my entrys like that.  i dont know if it will let me, but im gunna try fixing the years

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