By Less Lee Moore
If you enjoyed our review of Welsh songstress Duffy’s latest release, Endlessly, you’re in luck.
We’ve got a signed copy of the disc to send out to one of you lucky readers.
Just be the fifth person to comment on this post telling us why you would like a copy . . . in a clever way, of course. (C’mon, it’s the holiday season and we’re feeling a little burned out on Christmas songs and crowded shopping malls.)
Contest Rules:
-Popshifter writers are not eligible.
-The contest is open until at least five comments are left in response to this Blog post OR Sunday, December 19, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. EST (whichever comes first).
-The fifth person to post a comment will win (EST). Personal attacks, spam, vulgar or otherwise unsavory comments will NOT be eligible to win.
- We reserve the right to choose a winner based on the above guidelines.
-Only residents of the United States are eligible.
-You must not have won anything from a Popshifter contest within the last six months.
-You must email us at and provide a valid name and mailing address within seven days of us notifying you that you have won.