Would you like to be part of Popshifter's Halloween Horrors Issue? Here's how...

Aug 10, 2009 13:17

Would you like to be part of Popshifter's Halloween Horrors Issue? Here's how...

Image from Let's Scare Jessica To Death, 1971

WHO: You!

WHAT: We are looking for articles on...

...real-life ghost stories or supernatural encounters (name withheld if so desired)

...sci-fi movies and TV shows

...horror/Halloween-themed comic books

...horror/Halloween-themed artists

...why you love scary TV shows of the past (such as Outer Limits, Tales From The Darkside) or the present (such as Dexter, True Blood)

...your favorite horror writers

...and just about anything else you can think of!

WHEN: The second Halloween Horrors issue of Popshifter will be published on September 30.

WHERE: http://popshifter.com (click here for last year's issue)

WHY: Because it's Halloween, that's why!

Please send all article ideas and submissions to Less Lee Moore c/o editor AT poshifter DOT com. Deadline for submissions is AUGUST 31.


Less Lee Moore, Managing Editor

/crossposted to popshifter, _halloween_, halloween_fan, happy_halloween

popshifter, call for submissions, halloween

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