Once upon a time,
adarkfallenstar posted
this. It was an interesting bit of information: the knowledge that there existed a Ben 10 trading card game. But as Addy lives in a country where most of the imported, real life merchandise arrive a good month or two (or five) late, she never expected to see hide nor hair of them. It was at a toy store in Rockwell that she discovered the Ben 10 Series 3 starter pack.
There were 40 cards in the box along with the instruction manual and this game sheet thing. I didn't bother to read the manual, because, well I'm never going to play it. So why did I con my boyfriend to buy it for me buy it? Because the cards are awesome. See exhibit A.
Exhibit A aka The Cars Have Their Own Cards
The cars have their own cards. I repeat: The cards have their own cards and game mechanics text. How awesome is that? At least, even though Kevin's car keeps getting totaled, blown up, gnawed on, or dinged, she gets her own card. Along with the Rustbucket 8D.
I also bought it because I'm a dork and a geek for these things. See Exhibit B.
Exhibit B aka Not Car-Cards But Still Pretty Nifty
Look at that expression! It's so Kevin! And it was a pretty appropriate screen-cap to boot! 8D
Of course, there were some pretty LULZY (in the fail!Lulz sense) cards. I mean, it's ALIEN FORCE. There cannot be any non-LULZY-ness if it's Alien Force-related. Why yes, I am bitter about the series, why do you ask? XP See Exhibit C.
Exhibit C aka SRSLY? DATS IT?
All we have are names and HP/BP points. Poor Alan. His
Pyronite form had more information and had a more dynamic pose. And since I'm such a nitpicker, why is he called Heatblast considering Alan never called himself that? He wasn't ever addressed as Heatblast. Just Alan. Or Albright. Depending on the character talking to him.
Oh well, it's better than Vulkanus' card, I suppose. At least Alan got to have his card ALL TO HIMSELF. Vulkanus had to share his with Kevin. The upside to this? The blank space allows one to use their innate SHOOP-DA-WOOP skillz!
In fact, I kind of like mine better XD
But you know what? Those cards weren't what truly appealed to the Ben 10 geek/dork in me. The starter set doesn't really show you ALL the cards you're going to get. Just some. And it only took TWO cards to make me go "DO WANT NAO!" See Exhibit EPIC.
GO GLITTER BOY, GO! It amused me to no end that Mike's cards were of the "Trick" and "Effect" sort. Plus: THE NAME THEY GAVE HIS CARDS ARE JUST LOL!EPIC X3 The unintentional irony makes me so incredibly happy.
Yes, I bought a 40-card pack for just 2 cards.
It was so worth it.