Mar 31, 2008 16:39
well. it has been some time since i have updated.
i feel like writing a very angry entry but for the sake of others, i will retain myself (at from making this an obscenely awful post in which i bash people. that's what a paper journal is for....and don't act shocked, we ALL, at least internally, criticize and question and pick apart people in fits of anger).
so i'm going to do one of those entries where i write to specific people without naming them. but i shall do it in stream of consciousness so no one thinks they have who they are figured out. (no, it's not in order of person, it's in order of thought) (i need to vent DESPERATELY, don't hate me for this).
-let me have something to myself. every single fucking time i find something i'm good at or that i like or enjoy, you manage to steal it away and make it yours and then suddenly i find that i have been disassociated from what was once so passionately mine. and what's worse it that you act like it was your discovery to begin with, even to my face as if i wouldn't, couldn't possibly know. and i pretend that it's okay. i don't say anything, i don't get overtly angry, i let you have it. what else am i supposed to do? tell you that you stole from me? that's as good as telling a blind man to see the stars, "come'on! they're right overhead!". for one god damn second, think about someone other than yourself. it's annoying and extremely pretentious and it makes me want to hate you. but i guess you can't help it if that's how you've always been. and dear my i just don't know where you get off being nosy, i really don't. i hate how controlling you are. i can't wait to get the fuck away from you. i hate that you're so ignorant. i really do. i can't stand it.
VENT. post annon. or logged in.
everybody needs to let it out once in a while.