Reopening and Recruitment Announcement
the_audio_mess is back! I don't know if anyone noticed or not (probably not) but I secretly closed down this comm about a year ago due to a change in my priorities and poor time management (and a certain MMO). Now that I've been freed up from my outside life, I'd like to reopen this community with a new concept in mind.
The Audio Mess was originally intended to be a music prompt community for writers. It can STILL be that, if you wish it to be. But instead of breaking my back trying to find inspiring music to write to, I'd like to change the purpose of this community to playlists in general. Specifically short playlists anywhere from 3 to 15 songs each.
Playlists will still be posted only by moderators, which brings me to the recruitment part of this announcement. I'm looking for new moderators to help me post playlists every week or so (or whenever you feel like it). I'm looking for people who have varied musical tastes and a little bit of free time here and there to participate. So if you're interested you can click the cut below to apply.
The Audio Mess Application
Name of the Journal you'll be posting under:
What genres of music do you listen to:
What languages do you listen to:
How many bands do you listen to: (Ballpark number is fine)
Anything else you feel like saying:
Send the Application to me via PM and I'll get back to you when I make my decision.