Jun 30, 2003 12:57
i hate how everyone says "oh those people have been fighting for 2000 years over the holy land." for every one of you who thinks you know something, just because you quote what everyone else says, without EVER having done the research yourself: you are an ignorant fuck.
So heres how the story really goes:
Moses directs his people out of egypt to what is presently known as Jerusalem to escape the pharoah.. at that time, it was inhabited by the Canaanites. the "jews" were ordered by god to exterminate the canaanites (read your bible: exodus, and deuteronomy, i believe) although they didnt completely succeed, and even took on some of their ritualistic characteristics, and started their own civilization there.
at one point in time, the philistines came, defeated the jews, and started their own little civilization there. these people were not muslims. from my understanding, they got along with jews, but i will double check to make sure.
From then on, life for the jews is a desperate attempt to keep their religion and traditional beliefs, and face anti-semitism, mostly coming from: THE EUROPEANS. the germans, the portugese, the french, the spanish, the russians (pogroms), they hated the jews. under spanish muslim occupation, the jews enjoyed religious freedom, and when ferdinand and isabella came along, they were the ones who treated the jews like shit and expelled them. during the crusades, the jews were attacked on the way to the muslim infidel. all the worst atrocities were perpetrated, not by the muslims as they would have you believe, but by christian "white people."
the only way for the jews to escape diaspora (dispersed community outside jerusalem) was for them to build jerusalem again. and the only way to do that was to kick out the palestinians who have been living there. after the holocaust, of course nobody was going to stop them, and all the european countries really liked this idea, this was a way to take care of a problem--by creating a problem for the palestinians who werent strong enough to object.
so next time you wanna tell me theyve been fighting for 2000 years, go read your history book, and shut the fuck up.