W.W.B.D. #1

Apr 22, 2004 17:13

What would Buddha do when Bored?
"if you find one thing boring,
you'll find everything boring." -Dogen
Boredom lies in our character, not in the world. "of you're bored," i've heard it said, "you're boring." thnk about this.
when you're bored, you tend to bore other. conversely, when you're bored, it is because you are boring: you are the one who engagesin the act of boring. it's not the world that is boring you, it is you who is boring the world. this is Buddha's meaning.
So, when you are boring, stop doing it. look inside and ask yourself, "why am i draining the life from this moment?" answering this question restores you and the world to life. boredom becomes impossible.

[excerpt from What Would Buddha DO? book]
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