My first attempt at this pairing, and writing post-DH/e, canon compliant fic. I'm scairt . . . hold me?
Or concrit me. And if you feel the need to praise me, cuz I'm so wicked awesome and made of win, don't let my shy modesty give you pause :)
::hides shaking hands behind false bravado::
The Untitled Post-DH Fic
_beetle_Rating: PG-13
Word Count: Approx. 3000
Characters: ASP/SM, JSP, LLP
Summary: James is the worst brother in the world, Albus is mortified, and Scorpius is, of course, there because he chooses to be.
Disclaimer: Fear not, for I am . . . JKR! No, seriously, just ask my high-priced attorneys.
Notes/Warnings: Set Post-DH/e, by six years. Canon compliant. Spoilers, duh.
"You are the worst brother in the history of the world. Ever!"