Mar 15, 2005 22:02
umm borrowed from a friend, enjoy
[Name] Amanda
[Nickname] SP, Amanda 514, A, Bologna (long story)
[Screen name] SPMJtheSequel
[Birthday] December 7, 1986
[Age] 18
[Astrological sign] sagitarius
[Chinese zodiac sign] tiger
[Location] Va
[Sexual Preference] straight
[Religion] christian
[Eye color] brown
[Height] 5’3”
[Shoe size] 10 in women, 8 in men
[Parents still together] yes
[Siblings] nope. well 2 half brothers 23 and 26 i think
[Nieces/Nephews] nope
[Pets] nope
[In school/graduated] college freshman
[What do you drive] ford escort
[Color] baby blue
[Number] 14
[Animal] none
[Vehicle] ford focus zx3
[Flower] lilies
[Scent] just dont smell like shit
[Drinks] shirley temple
[Soda] sprite
[Book] jk rowling
[Band] umm no?
[Song] i cry ~ ja rule
Do you:
[Color your hair?] hell no
[Twirl your hair?] nope
[Have tattoos?] umm mom would kill me
[Have Piercings?] 2
[Cheat on tests/homework?] once or twice
[Drink/Smoke?] no
[ Like roller coasters?] woohoo hellz yes
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] nope
[Want more piercings?] yes two more in each ear and tongue
[Like cleaning?] when im in the mood too
[Write in cursive or print?] print my cursive looks like shit
[Sweat a lot?] nope
[Own a web cam?] nope but it sounds kinky
[Know how to drive?] duh!
[Diet?] i should
[Own a cell phone?] YES! i NEED it!
[Ever get off the damn computer?] umm . . .
Have you ever:
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] 1
[Been in a wreck?] no
[Been arrested?] no
[Been in a fist fight?] well the bitch got knocked out
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] no
[Stolen anything?] no
[Held a gun?] no
[Drank?] yes
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] no
[Considered a life of crime?] no
[Considered being a hooker?] no
[Cheated on someone?] no
[Cried over a girl?] yes
[Cried over a boy?] yeap
[Lied to someone?] yes
[Been in love?] yeah
[Fallen for your best friend?] nope
[Made out with JUST a friend?] nope
[Been rejected?] who can reject this?
[Been in lust?] umm maybe
[Used someone?] no thats just wrong
[Been used?] hell no this aint good will
[Been cheated on?] no
[Been kissed?] yes
[Experimented with homosexuality?] hell no
[Current mood] content
[Current taste] lettuce
[Current hair] the usual
[Current thing I ought to be doing] homework
[Current cds in stereo] 70's karaoke
[Current job] sandwich artist
The last time:
[Last book you read] whatever lola wants
[Last movie you saw] soul plane
[Last thing you ate] spagetti with a nice garden salad
[Last person you talked to on the phone]grandma
Do you:
[Do drugs?] nope
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] yes
[Play an instrument?] cello
[Believe there is life on other planets?] yeah where do you think i came from?
[Remember your first love?] yes
[Still love him/her?] i will forever
[Read the newspaper?] not enough
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] i like a magnet for these people and i love them all
[Believe in miracles?] yes and timing is great for one
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] yes
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] of course . . . im amanda
[Consider love a mistake?] never
[Have a favorite candy?] i dont eat candy
[Believe in astrology?] havent really thought about it
[Believe in magic?] kinda
[Believe in God?] yes
[Do well in school?] HA! i wish
[Go to or plan to go to college] currently enrolled
[Wear hats?] yeap visors
[Hate yourself?] nope thats for other people to waste time with
[Have an obsession?] no
[Collect anything?] african legacy figurenes (sp?)
[Have a best friend?] yes tianna
[Close friends?] yes enough
[Like your handwriting?] no
[Care about looks?] hmm i should
Love life:
[First crush] tarik
[First kiss] hmm
[single or attached?] single
[Ever been in love?] very much so
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] sure
[Do you believe in "the one?"] if he is the person you should be with he wont be one
[Describe your ideal significant other] honest, caring, listener, great hands ...
Juicy stuff:
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] umm my clothes fell off?
[Are you a tease?] dont think so
[Shy to make the first move?] HA! no
Are you a:
[Wuss] no
[Druggy] no
[Daydreamer] no
[Freak] hmm
[Dork] who writes songs about buying a yearbook?
[Bitch/Asshole] i dont know maybe?
[Brat] no
[Sarcastic] abrasively so
[Angel] by no means
[Devil] no
[Shy] yes but my humor and sarcasim cover it up
[Talkative] so im told
[Flirty] umm no