AS/S Through the Ages: Rules

Mar 29, 2009 00:09

Please read the rules carefully. Some of you might be familiar with fests, but you need to know about a few rules that are specific to this fest.

For the sake of clarity and short sentences, we use the terms 'art' to represent anything creative OTHER than fic, and 'draw' for the action of creating this 'art'. Art can be drawings, videos, scarves, dolls, collages, music, etc.

1. This is an AU fest, in which your characters must interact in a time/setting that is different from canon. Please remember that time travel is NOT allowed. For details on the AU aspect of the fest, please refer to the Informational Post.

2. This is also a collaboration fest, which means that you will write/draw with a partner. We will do our best to assign you the most compatible partner. Please discuss your ideas freely with your partner and respect each other's likes/dislikes.

3. Please be as detailed as possible in your sign-up form. The more you explain, the easier it will be for us to find you the most suitable partner. You can edit the sign-up comment and/or reply to it with changes until the last day of sign-ups.

4. Please read r_becca's guide to being a good fest participant. This resource should help clear up the majority of your questions and concerns about participating in a fest.

5. Your submission must reflect your mod-approved topic and reflect the time and setting you have chosen, or it will NOT be accepted. If you need to change your topic at any time, please let us know ASAP so that we have a record of it.

6. Your submission must reflect the collaboration between you and your partner. If you need to change partners or have any other collaborative issues, please let us know ASAP so that we can take appropriate action.

7. If you have any problems/suggestions at all, please email us! We definitely prefer receiving numerous emails and having issues resolved before the deadline, instead of finding out about problems the day before submissions are due.

8. When emailing us, please remember to mention your LJ username (the one you signed up with). If you receive an email from us, please reply ASAP so we know you haven't abandoned the fest.

9. Rules for fics:

* Minimum word count for a fic is 5,000 words. If your fic is shorter than that, but you feel that's the way it should be, email us and we'll discuss it.
* Your fic should be beta read and free of spelling and grammar issues. We will be fixing the occasional typo, but if there are obvious spelling issues or the correct canon spelling is disregarded, we will send the fic back for editing. (For canon spellings you can check the Harry Potter Lexicon). Americanisms will not be considered mistakes.
* Fics cannot be part of a series you are writing, or be a sequel/prequel/remix to one of your fics (or anyone else's).
* If you are under 18, you cannot submit/view R/NC-17 work.
* The HTML formatting tags should be included in the file you send. Further details can be found in the Submission Guidelines.

10. Rules for art:

* Artists have no minimum requirement, but your work should be more complex than a sketch.
* Your submission should not make reference to another piece of yours (or anyone else's).
* If you are under 18, you cannot submit/view R/NC-17 work.

11. If you are under 18, you cannot submit/view anything explicit even if you are working with someone who is over 18.

12. We will read all the submissions before posting and if we feel that a submission disregards the topic or needs editing, we will contact you to discuss it.

13. If you need an extension, please contact us before the submission deadline. Two day extensions will be given without requiring an explanation, but if you need more than two days, we will need valid reasons. We reserve the right to ask you to send what you have written/drawn.

14. You are not allowed to post your submission anywhere else before the fest is over, although you can advertise it to direct readers/viewers to the fest. After the fest is over, you can post the submission anywhere you wish.

More about the submission process will be explained in the Submission Guidelines.

You can contact us anytime at the.ass.fest [at] gmail [dot] com or by commenting to this post.

*mod post, mod: rules & information, fest: 2009 through the ages

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