Jun 23, 2010 23:02
- 07:17 @ DJChristianOC Big tv in work... By the way, there'sa Super Furry Animals single called Do or Die, two minute punky thing #
- 07:26 Eoin Morgan - as English as roast beef and Guinness. Irish roast beef, obviously. #cricket #
- 07:29 @ DGoughie OH CHrist no, we don't want them to be that bad again... #
- 07:30 @ betsymartian Laugh at a lot of grown men and women getting unnecessarily het up over a football match. #
- 19:31 @ aliverpoolthing I wouldn
't mind time being taken over the decision if I had faith in the people doing the hiring. # - 19:35 RT @fishcustardzine: Fish Fingers and Custard - Doctor Who Fanzine Issue 1 - OUT NOW! Download here - retwt.me/1NyUq #doctorwho #
- 19:37 @ thejimsmith The fact that third syllable was coined by a Welshman always amuses me. #
- 19:39 @ Lawrence_Miles Keith Allen's actually Welsh, he obviously did it to mutilate the oppressive English language. #
- 19:39 @ TerribleZodin The review section's particularl
y lovely today. ;-) # - 19:44 @ MsBrackers Well, thank Landon Donovan who got a last minute winner otherwise England would've played on Saturday night. #
- 19:53 I think this last set's just exceeded the total time Federer's going to spend on court all tournament. #wimbledon #
- 19:54 @ Lawrence_Miles I think you're traditionally supposed to spit at the end too for the full traditional pronunciation. #
- 19:55 99 games and the bitches ain't done... #wimbledon #
- 20:27 So who's going to break first, one
of the players or the audience? #wimbledon # - 20:53 @ PaulEbbs THis match actually started out being depicted as cave paintings. #
- 20:54 @ Lawrence_Miles You have to be careful, there's also the Talfryn Thomas dialect to contend with. #
- 20:56 @ JasonArnopp No. It's on BBC2 #
- 21:01 @ RobinBrown78 As an angle it beats 'power cut in London' I suppose. #
- 22:18 @ xxnapo
leonsolo ALthough I should point out he's so passionate about his country he went off and played for France... # - 22:56 @ Paul_Cornell I'd have much love for it if the iPhone app didn't simply crash every time I opened it! #
- 22:59 @ davidhepworth I suspect the two halves of that point are not unrelated. Very good light comic actor. #
- 23:01 @ xxnapoleonsolo Hell yes, one of my all time favourite goals is his against Blackburna at Ewood - beat 3 men then spanked a 30 yarder in. #
- 23:06 @ faceofboe I'm currently *very* chirpy about the new DWM. #
- 23:10 @ TerribleZodin It's currently difficult to fit my head through our doorways. Picked out my favourite piece of my own too! #
- 23:19 @ faceofboe Well the cover's lovely, but mostly the right hand column on page 61 in the reviews section. #
- 23:20 @ faceofboe So good it caused me to do a little happy dance. #
- 23:49 I appear not to have recommended the latest DWM to all and sundry today. Which I shall, purely for the cover. And the last paragraph on p61 #
- 23:58 @ michaeldthomas Sadly not - the sheer weight of BF product takes up the bulk of the section again. ;-( #
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