(no subject)

Jan 28, 2006 04:31

1. Your LiveJournal "user name": the_arch_vile

Explain what it means: Favorite enemy in Doom

2. The "name" that you chose to use (if not your USER name): Hiroshi Nakano Yamabuki, hard to explain really...

3. Explain how you picked / why you selected the user picture(s) that you have? Made by myself and those I care for

Default Icon is my Judas Priest AoR gif, tribute to one of the best albums by the grand metal band Judas Priest

FNFN, Fear Nothing For I am None; A photoshopped crop from H.R. Giger's "Lovecraft II"

Selene, Icon made in honor of my lovely girlfriend, Linii

Killer Queen, Icon made from a cropped comic image of Ripley, heroine from the Alien series

They Can't, a wonderful Icon created by my much loved girlfriend, Linii-chan

- The Stats -

4. Date of survey (because things will change as soon as you finish it): January 26, 2006.
Account type: Free.
Friends (#): 18
Mutual Friends (#): 16
Communities (#): 4
Memories (#): None
Journal entries: 72 counting this one
Comments posted: 220
Received: 258

- Your Journal -

5. Why do you have a Journal page? Many friends have it

Do you have a Journal page for yourself, your friends, strangers to know you, and/or everyone? Mainly for myself and for anyone else that wishes to read, from friends to complete strangers

6. Why did you pick LiveJournal (LJ) over another service or handwriting? Because it was the first service I knew of

7. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your LiveJournal represent who you actually are?...hmmm...8

8. How do you think your LJ represents you the most...
Factually: Pretty well, even if the facts are few
Emotionally: So-so
Intellectually: So-so as well
Sexually: Quite well
Artistically: Deficently

9. How much about your life do you post to LJ? Statistically speaking, practically nothing

Is there anything you refuse to post about? Yes

10. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others? Shouldn't others rate this instead? Like I said I post here for myself, in second hand for people...

11. From who/how did you find out about LJ? friends at Lyokofreak

12. Has anyone ever joined LJ because of you? Doubt it

13. How long have you been a member of LJ? 2005-07-08 20:24:01

14. How often do you post to LJ? I post, that's about enough of an answer

15. What proportion of your posts are friends only? None

16. What is your favorite interest on LJ?...who knows...maybe I'm just a deranged little psycho dedicated to learning stuff from you so I can later proceed to rape you and mutilate you (yet not kill you) in your sleep xDDDD;;;;....man that was pure gold xDD;;;

17. What is your favorite community on LJ? Samurai_7

18. Have you ever learned anything new on LJ? Few things, yes

19. Has anything on LJ ever caused you to establish, rethink, or even change your belief or position on something? Yes

20. How often do you respond / comment on other peoples journals? Not too often

21. Do you prefer to write in your Journal, read other Journals, respond to others entries, or get responses to your entries? Write and reply meaningfully

22. What's the longest you've gone without posting to LJ since the day you signed up? Maybe even a month

23. What's the longest you've gone without reading LJ since you discovered it? Couple of weeks at most

24. What is your favorite post you've ever made to LJ? First one

25. What is your favorite post you've ever read on LJ? Unsure

26. What's the weirdest or funniest thing you've seen on LJ? Lot of things

27. Have you ever specifically asked a question for people to reply to in your Journal? I...think so

28. Have you ever tried to play the "trace yourself back through friends from a random LJ user"? Hmmm...good suggestion

29. Have you ever played the "add a sentence to my post" game?...another good suggestion

30. Have you ever lied/fibbed in your journal? Mmhmm...the truth is not for everyone

31. Have you ever had something mean said to you or been stalked, harassed, or got into an argument/flame war on LJ (or did it to someone else)? Don't think so

32. Have you ever banned someone from your Journal? Nope

33. Has LiveJournal had any significant impact on your life? Not really

- Friends -

34. Who are your favorite LJ friend(s) and why? Everyone I guess? Don't know

35. Who are your least favorite LJ friend(s)? Now that you mention it, probably OBoy

36. Do you love anyone on LJ? mmhmm

37. Have you ever e-mailed or I.M.'d someone you found on LJ? Not really

38. Of all of the people on LJ you know of, who is the most like you? Hmmm...many people or none at all...who knows

39. Who is the most intelligent or insightful person you know on LJ? Linii, Sam and quite a host of other people, if not everyone in LJ...except for a couple of people that result obvious for those that know me

40. Who is the most fun person you know on LJ? Everyone actually

41. Who is your least favorite/most annoying LJ user or community? Most everyone has it's moments

42. How do you usually find new friends on LJ? Checking my likes and tracing them outward

43. Why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list? Shared likes

44. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first? Yea

What is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list? I add everyone that adds me, simple

45. Do you care if someone adds you to his or her friends list if you add him or her first? I actually am unsure of adding people first, unless I'm sure they won't react negatively

Would you remove them from yours if they didn't? Read above

46. Are there any people's Journals (users / friends), communities, interests, or searches you frequent on LiveJournal that you don't or will not list in your user info page? Nope

- More than Friends on LJ -

47. Is your "Significant Other" on LJ? Yes

If not, do they know you post on LJ? Not applicable.

48. Other than your S.O., who are you the most attracted to on LJ? In a platonic sense, Sam Blob...in a sexual/relationship/etc. way, is there anyone else other than my Significant other?

49. Who is the sexiest person you know on LJ? Linii-chan

50. Have you ever fantasized about someone on LJ? Yea

51. Would you want to know if someone fantasized about you on LJ? Already know

52. Would you date someone you met on LJ? Already am

53. Have you ever wanted to meet someone on LJ? Any and all of my friends

54. Have you ever actually met someone from LJ romantically (or otherwise) and hit it off (or not)? I was already with her when I began using LJ

55. Have you ever posted a naughty picture / post / story on LJ? I think so

- Technical LiveJournal -

56. Do you prefer to post from a Client or the Web Interface? ...

57. Do you use HTML to add extras to your entries? ...

58. Is your LJ page customized (at all - even from template), template, or default? Nope

59. Do you usually use the WinAmp music detector, add you music manually, or none at all? ...

60. How well do you know the LJ features and how to use it? ...

61. What is your favorite LJ feature? It's existance

62. What is your least favorite LJ feature (one that you would change or delete if you could)? ...

63. What feature would you most like to see added to LJ? ...

64. What moods would you most like to see added to LJ? ...moods?

65. "One day the directory will work again." How long until you believe until that day will come? ...rephrase?
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