Lethargy is an intersting concept...nevermind, seems like I've been using it strictly related to a context, whereas it's pure meaning is simply of "A state that consists of the supression of vital functions and use of the senses"
But I guess it can be used as a synonym of "Boredom" though one with a deeper meaning than just "being bored".
In my personal opinion, being lethargic can not only apply to the fact of (feeling of) not having anything to do; but also to the fact of lacking the will and commitment to do anything there is to be done (disagree with this if you wish to, I does not concern me for like I said, it's only a personnal opinion of mine)
Under that meaning, I've been lethargic these last weeks, having too many things left on standby and no discline or willpower to finish any of them.
I'd like to give a reason, but it would only be excuses; what is happening exatly is still uberknownst to me personally, but I'm almost certain it has something to do with the fact that this room (the computer room) grows more tedious by the day.
Things could be done, of course...but most of them involve me leaving the internet aside; something I'm not willing to do yet, at least.
Aside from that fact, my creative process seems to have taken an early vacation, leaving me stranded for the time being in a sea of untrascendant ideas and overused themes.
Luckily enough, I have some stories left to write that should've been written by now
Well...this has been enough self-pity for one day...maybe all I need is a high dose of caffeine, being in an altered state for a while might help me get through this mist of stagnation.
Altered states; a most intriguing subject. Months ago a scientific article told of the human need to "feel" different; not only human in fact, some members of the remaining animal kingdom also had the urge to seek for natural altering substances.
I for onw can vouche for the truthfulness of this article; sometimes you just need to feel "different", like many others I've turned to some different subtances in order to achive this, all of which the only one that has made the cut is Caffeine. Alcohol is nice, yet turns into a major disadvantage as you introduce more of it into your system; Ganja is attractive, but has an after effect that's quite inconvenient as well; both substances mixed together is something no to be tried. Common tobbaco's health issues are more than enough for me to turn it down and any of the more powerful subtances (mushrooms, cocaine) are too dangerous and unappealing to even think about testing them.
As to why I found caffeine so appealing, there are two main reasons; one being the fact it allowed me to somehow trascend existance, at least for a while; the second being how it displaces my being without damaging my locomotor skills.
Reality is a bitch when trying to be unreal.
Apart from that, there are some other intruments needed to succesfully exit reality and fully introduce myself into my work:
-Music: from any genre, usually something meeting the work's purpose, but something is a must, it has to be fast; slow music only slows down my pace.
-Enviorment: anything at all works well, it only needs to be fresh, and not tedious; a place where I can turn to one side and glance at soemthing I had not seen before.
-Time: Night time is my time...my body is weak, so is my mind...a quick dose of caffeine followed by music renders me capable of writting more "outside the box" than what I would write normally.