Fandom ADD is such a problem with me. Not really a problem. I just gobble things up and get all excited. It's usually all good, as I get fun new fic and fanmixes and friends. And then I get excited about fandoms that nobody else cares about at all.
Larklight to Candleford is a BBC period series. It's the crazy adventures of a post office, of all things. It's adorable and sweet and fun and I love period pieces and YAY. I ship Dorcas/Thomas so hard, even though it is a doomed and sinking ship. And Laura's love triangle just slays me. I am way too caught up in this. It reminds me of Anne of Green Gables, which makes me ever so happy. (Post office, though, wtf.)
Foyle's War has a little more respectability, but is also a BBC period series, this time WWII. It's amazingly done and incredibly well-acted and the plot makes me stupidly happy. Mysteries I can't figure out in the first fifteen minutes! JOY. Sgt. Paul is my WWII heartthrob, though Andrew is no slouch. I kind of ship Paul/Sam, because Sam is AWESOME and they are CUTE together and that one episode he let her stay at his house and they DANCED and AWWWW. Also, his wife is a witch and we cannot get rid of her fast enough. And then there is Andrew, the dashing pilot with a flair for the ladies. Sam could handle him, and then Foyle would kind of adopt her, which he practically has anyway. So much squee. And I just watched an episode where the slash was CANON, peeps, even if it did lurk in UST territory. More dashing pilots being dashing TOGETHER.
The Hunger Games is my book flavor of the week. It's a dystopian/survival/rebellion/love story that hits all my guilty pleasure buttons. It's not epic literature, and that's why I like it. The third book in the trilogy comes out in August and I'm going to be eaten alive until then. I bought the second book yesterday and read it in one sitting. That may have lasted until 4 a.m. Zero self-control. I love Gale, but Katniss/Peeta is the shiz. Peeta. Just. So much love. And am I a terrible, terrible person for desperately wanting to slash Cinna with someone? Haymitch, maybe? The answer is yes.
Small addendum: I'm signing up for Finish-a-thon (haven't forgotten,
dreamflower02!). Any requests for what I should put up on my voting poll?