Take a little, give a little.
cable69 posted a drabble request meme, I got in on the action, and now I'm obligated going to do one here.
First ten people get to request a drabble of any pairing or character they choose. Mind you, if I have to Wikipedia your chosen character, your drabble probably won't be very good. Make a request, and you can play the meme game on your own lj. BECAUSE DRABBLE MEMES ARE THE BESTEST. (Also, AU interpretations are totally acceptable, i.e., The Quiet Hobbit, Can't Take the Sky 'verse, or other people's AUs, like
whochick's Leave No Soul Behind.)
1. Baby Brandybuck (Merry/Estella, The Quiet Hobbit AU)
2. Writer's Block (Sherlock Holmes)
3. One, Two, Three (Kirk/Spock/McCoy)
4. Friendly Foes (Aragorn + Faramir, LotR)
5. Uther Learns the Value of Knocking (Arthur/Merlin)
6. Sweet (Kirk/McCoy)
7. The Night Train (Holmes/Watson)
Any character, any pairing, any rating. Fandoms I know pretty well: LotR, Merlin, Sherlock Holmes, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Firefly, Bones, Chronicles of Narnia.
EDIT: I'm on it, guys. Why is Livejournal so whacked out today?