
May 23, 2008 01:56

It's Arc's first-ever icon-only post! Yayzors! Inside, you'll find LotR, Harry Potter, a few text-only's, and a random Supernatural icon for utopia83.

Teasers? You want teasers?

EDIT: I forgot one of Sam! How could I? *is ashamed*

Creator's Notes:

1. If you take, please credit.
2. No hotlinking.
3. If you use my textless icons as bases, send me a link! I'd love to see what you've done!
4. I owe the line "the Peregrinating Took" to Polecat's hilarious fic, "The Hole Dwellers." It's brilliant, and not to be missed; check it out on west-of-the-moon.net.
5. The Supernatural icon, as well as the slash and Doctor Who icons, are totally the fault of utopia83. I claim no responsibility. (You know I love you, dear.)
6. I'm by no means the best icon maker on the 'net, but I am enjoying myself. If you have any requests...characters, quotes, characters and quotes...that you'd like to see in icon format, comment me, and I'll see what I can do!

lotr, icons, doctor who, harry potter, pervy hobbit fancier

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