The (Decidedly Adolescent) Ballad of the Lover of Troy, Part III

May 18, 2005 16:26

Part III In which true love transcends the boundaries of gender, and order is restored in the universe (kind of).

The boy’s heart missed a single beat
He just about fell off his seat
He had to ask him to repeat
The things that he did say

Troy spoke with calm and motive voice
About how he had had no choice
In finding that he did love boys
And not girls in that way

“I did not mean to lead you on
You’re beautiful that’s not what’s wrong
It’s just this boy I’ve known so long
But not known if he’s gay”

Troy then looked down and then back up
His eyes were large just like a pup’s
To the table the Head came up
Adjusting his toupee

“I’m giving you a detention
For being late to three lessons
I’m giving this young lady one
My quota for the day”

“But sir that really isn’t fair!”
Troy cried at him his face despaired
“You really are just splitting hairs”
The boy said “It’s okay”

That evening they stayed behind
And talked until ‘twas nearly nine
Together, they lost track of time
The school closed for the day

They tried to leave, the door was locked
They tried the cupboard and were shocked
To find that it was fully stocked
With food for a buffet

They ate with a great appetite
As the sun fell out of sight
Then from the boy emerged a light
Troy’s face turned shades of grey

The boy was changed back to a boy
He was a girl no more. Oh joy!
But eyes closed, silent, was young Troy
And motionless he lay

What kind of cruelty was this?
To give a story such a twist?
Upon Troy’s lips he left a kiss
Troy then, of course, did wake

Now the boys, they love each other
But not as just friends or brothers
These two boys have become lovers
They now love in that way

End of Ballad

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