Jun 01, 2004 21:01
wElL...COMMENT U FUCKERS!! =D..anywayS...thiS weeK haS beeN prettY gaY..i goT a neW paintbalL guN mondaY..itS kooL i guesS... besideS thE facT thaT mY daD iS verS GAY anD sayS i canT gO paintballinG agaiN tilL i raisE mY "gradeS" whicH reallY suX....-_-..woO hoO!! ^_^ i madE a neW namE foR mY claN iN cS.. sincE thE olD onE waS kindA gaY "ROCL".. thE onE aleX madE uP..iT waS funnY foR a whilE buT noW itS stupiD.. iT iS currentlY "WoO^".. mucH betteR..i thinK..mY camerA iS stilL ouT therE losT..$300 dowN thE draiN.. buT foR noW i havE $183 leftoveR froM mY B-daY $$..whaT shoulD i buY??? suggestionS anyonE? =/ COMMENT!! =D