Dec 04, 2007 09:23
this term is almost over and I cannot wait. I do not have finals in any of my classes. BUT, I do have a revision of a paper and 2 other papers due. And a Spanish test Friday. But all this is very manageable. I knew when I sent my Politics of Literacy paper that it was not the best of my ability and I was not happy with it. Dr. D recognized this but I still got a B+ on it. I hate writing things I am not passionate about. I'm on page 3 of my story for Classical Backgrounds. I'm enjoying it so far. I've made some interesting connections. Writing to me is a game, especially writing stories where the rules are a little less strict. The game of this paper is to incorporate as many themes from this class as possible. I want to incorporate at least one quote from each thing we've read. I got a perfect quote from The Erasers. Don't remember it off hand. The quote I'm using from the "Theogony" is "We know how to tell lies that sound the truth" The muses say that. Oedipus has a couple good quotes. From the Odyssey, definitely going to use "I am Nobody." Some people did not enjoy reading Greek plays at all but I loved all of it. I would minor in classical studies if I could, if they offered enough classes every term and if those classes weren't at night. But all the same, I'm excited about this story. It's due Tuesday. Wonder how long it's going to be. I've only completed 2 scenes. How many more to go? Not sure. We'll see. And that's all. Need to wash laundry before I go to school.