Nov 01, 2007 22:09
At the library though I'm now starting to think I will not get much done. What I planned to do was reread some sections about the "visor effect". Apparently it's important for my phantom paper and Dr. D wants to spend an hour with me talking about it. Is it really that complicated? I don't think so, but the visor effect is hinged on so many things that I'm not sure what about it he wants to discuss with me. Simply speaking, the "visor effect" happens whenever someone sees someone that doesn't know they are being watched. Like a peeping tom. Eavesdropping is similar. That's what a ghost does: they watch without us knowing they are watching. Even if we look at whoever looks at us, there is still the problem of identification. One could be disguised as a ghost, one could be lying...blahblah. I don't think this "visor effect" pertains only to ghosts but I'll let Dr. D explain what he wants. It doesn't seem that difficult. Not an hour's worth difficult. But we'll see. Sometimes simple things become complicated. And that meeting is Tuesday. Thursday I meet with Dr. V to talk about that paper. I want to write about the self-deception of John Marcher in "The Beast in the Jungle." But we'll see how well that works out after talking. I don't know if he'll like the idea, think it's concrete enough to write about. Don't know. He is very organized and I am not. I like to take short cuts, skip steps if I can...don't think he does. That class annoys me so much. people are stupid. Philosophy students....I've gone over this before. Not all, but the majority spout a bunch of bullshit. That's all I'm going to say about that.
Today was so uneventful. I was disappointed. Just a very boring day.
And that's all for now