Oct 14, 2007 23:23
I'm home. Got here around 3 pm Eastern time. I'm glad to be back. Looks like I'm probably not getting that caregiver job. I was supposed to call Ilene this afternoon but got sidetracked with finishing my paper and didn't remember until 8 pm. I got her voice mail. So I think I probably called too late and she's probably not interested in me anymore. That's alright. I don't blame her or anything. And I should just wait until I graduate to get a part time job. So that's all for that. Extra money would be nice but we're surviving fine without it. I think when we get our income tax return we should just pay the car off. Sounds good to me. Then my car will be paid off next October. ONLY 1 YEAR LEFT!!! How about that? Pretty exciting I think. Speaking of deadlines, need to call comcast by the end of the month and make sure they don't charge us $100 for cable. We're on this 6 month offer thing where we get the best package for regular price. But after that, the price goes up and I'm sure they won't remind us. So that needs to happen. It's been nice having all those channels but honestly, we don't watch most of them. I'd say the channels we watch the most are CNN, Cartoon Network, and Comedy Central (all C channels how about that?) and the local channels. Even those I watch occasionally like Animal Planet and USA I could get in the regular package. So it's just not worth it. Poor Trevor watches some of the special channels. Oh, well. Not even he's willing to pay that much for them. So that's that for that. I'm in the library bored. I practiced a little and got my part down for this one song. I really need to finish learning my solo and polishing it. Who knows? maybe Charlotte will let me play it at the next concert. I've been sidetracked with paper stuff but that's cooled down a little. Time to focus on other things. I wonder if Dr. K will be finished editing my paper by Tuesday. I doubt it. Though it's possible. He usually gets out mid-terms graded quickly. Well, either way I'm sure I'll get it by the end of October. I got an idea for the next paper. It's going to be good. Speaking of papers, it would behoove me to start my Philosophy paper. I don't like analytic philosophy so much but I'm going to try to write in that style...a little. To please Dr. V but mainly so I can know what it's like to write that way, to think that way. Always curious about other ways of thinking...even stupid ways of thinking. Alright, it's not stupid...but I don't find value in treating philosophy like a science. Because it's not. And even science isn't as analytic as it would like to think. But philosophy especially. Of course you need logic to figure things out, but things like: S commits an akratic action IFF (if and only if): 1. S intends, at T1 to p. 2. S considers p the best course of action. 3. S does r instead.
Wow, that was actually very similar to what's in the book. I guess I am learning something. But you get my point. SOOOO boring. And not only that, but these people come up with all these formulas and theorems only to find exceptions. Then they fine tune their theorems just to find more exceptions. Or they argue about what intentions really are or if akratic action is really possible (and they do that with even more theorems). Such a boring class. But I'm willing to learn it and try it out if only for the sake of diversity in my writing skills. And people say Derrida is confusing but I love that stuff. That makes sense to me. I LOVE CONTRADICTION. Ha, which is probably why I loathe Ayn Rand. Blah. Anyway, that is all for now. I hope I have amused you enough to spend time reading this. Stay amused.