Take on Me, by
greensilver. Multi-Who and AWESOME. I just watched it and I am grinning like a really happy thing. (Also, I am having urges to watch both Classic Who and the
Literal Video Version. One of these things is more easily accomplished than the other. I am doomed.)
excerpted from The Adventure of the Plum-Colored Glow, the Potato, and the Really Good Chocolates (Book 3 in the Madcap Adventures of Amelia Pond, age 7, Time Traveler). Amelia and the Doctor, written as a children's story. Seriously the most delightful thing I have ever read, with excellent ancient Greece lols.
Day 12 - A book or series of books you've read more than five times.
Ahahaha how long have you got? Pride & Prejudice, all of Swallows and Amazons, A Civil Campaign, Gaudy Night (possibly other Sayers too, but definitely Gaudy Night, because I take it on trips - it's always an interesting reread, and, more importantly, takes me longer to get through than most of my other favourite rereads), large swaths of Heyer, quite a lot of Tamora Pierce, quite a lot of DWJ, most of Antonia Forest, Elinor M. Brent-Dyer's Austrian period (ask me some time what I did instead of studying for exams in seventh form), and probably a bunch of other stuff I've forgotten.
Day 13 - Favorite childhood book OR current favorite YA book (or both!)
Current favourite YA: Squire, by Tamora Pierce. It was the first book she wrote after JK Rowling convinced publishers that kids really would read long books, and it shows - more depth and complexity than any of her previous books, and I love seeing Kel grow and take her place in the world, and especially seeing her flourish in the presence of a mentor who isn't all conflicted about how she's a GIRL and a PAGE and OMG DOES NOT COMPUTE (I mean, not that Wyldon isn't a great character, but it's nice for Kel to encounter authority figures who can appreciate her without wishing she was a boy), but just thinks she's awesome. Which she is.
Favourite childhood book: Most of my favourite kids' books are actually ones I discovered as a teenager, though I did read Autumn Term and End of Term when I was little at the library in the small town where my grandma lived. I thought they were brilliant, was especially struck by the knife with sixteen blades, and promptly forgot the titles, the author and everything about them except that there were twins, a Christmas play and a pocketknife. I did the same with DWJ - read Charmed Life and A Tale of Time City from the library and loved them (especially the butter-pies), but it didn't occur to me that she might have written anything else, so I didn't get into her properly until I was working at the library and came across them on the returns trolley, by which time I had discovered catalogues. The two books that spring to mind that I loved as a kid and still love are My Side of the Mountain, by Jean George (though I am very conflicted about the sequels), and Shield Ring, by Rosemary Sutcliffe. Vikings!
Day 14 - Favorite character in a book (of any sex or gender).
Nicola Marlow. I love her determination and her enthusiasms, the way she feels everything excruciatingly deeply but loathes to have anyone notice, the way she can cope competently with spies and kidnapping but is instantly disconcerted by emotions or ordinary awkwardness, and especially her relationship with Miranda. She's absolutely real, and I love getting to know her. Even if I would probably be terrified of her if I was at Kingscote myself.
Whole meme.
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