An entry of no importance...

Dec 20, 2008 01:18

Well, howdy there folks. Howdy? What am I, Sarah Palin? *smacks self* Okay I'm all right now. My birthday was the 10th, and I got a the Sims 2 Bon Voyage Expansion Pack and a cotton candy maker. That's right--I wanted to make COTTON CANDY! So sue me! lol, why so defensive... Anyways, I like them a lot, the cotton candy is trippy when it's coming out, and it's very soft and spider-webby. So, did you all know about this? I'm probably the last to know, but there's this thing called Pandora Radio and it's just so AWESOME and it's free which you know if it weren't...that's not so awesome. You can search for any artist or song you like and it'll generate music like it! And you can control it by giving thumbs-up or thumbs-down to songs you do or don't like, respectively. Also I noticed something cute about VLC media player this time of year: its usual little like, road-cone symbol is wearing a Santa hat. It's small anyways so I might not have noticed it by Christmas. Also I love that Bush almost got hit by shoes. Almost. Damn it. Oh well. But, in the meantime, as in a month that shall be behind us: It's a game where your goal is to hit still-Prez. Bush in the face! It's fun. Go do it if you're a heathen liberal like me who enjoys that sort of thing. Like the Green Arrow. Comic book jokes 4 teh winz. Oo, maybe I should get a cup of soy nog. Will do. Tootles!

<3 & Peace,
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