Mar 04, 2006 04:37
In most states (I didn't have time to google them all) it is illegal for a minor to be in possession of alcohol. Furthermore, it is illegal to be in possession of a fake ID.
So, lets say, you're 23 or so...and at a bar. There's a girl there, drinking with an ID that says she's 21. You take her home, or go somewhere, whatever, ya have sex.
She was actually 17. So you're fucked, well and good. You're a registered sex offender, you're on probation for however long, you're a felon, you can't vote, own a firearm, can't work with children, ever... your life is pretty fucked up.
If its illegal to possess alcohol underage, which you legally need an ID to obtain...and its illegal to possess a fake ID...both of which are chargeable offenses...
Should the 'victim' be charged too?
Why isn't obtaining sex underage (with a fake ID) also illegal? If it is proven without a doubt, that in the minor in question was in an adult only place (like a bar or club thats 18+) with fake identification in their possession should the adult even be charged?
If government issued ID (even altered, or forged) is not a valid defense, then what value do these documents really have? Unless the government is going to issue every adult in the country a machine that can tell fake from authentic, what grounds do they have to state that anyone should know one from the other?
Personally, I think they should charge the 'minor' and leave the 'adult' alone.
Should these girls that ruin lives be registered as sex offenders, too? They obtained sex by committing fraud, and altering government issued documents. If it is to be assumed that the adult in question would not be consenting if they did know the actual age of the minor, how exactly is it NOT rape?
If you use a chemical substance to gain consent from someone that would not otherwise consent, you are a rapist.
If you use a fake ID to gain consent from someone that would not consent without that age verification, you are a rape victim.
Thoughts, Comments?
Note: Yes, I know. A few handful of states do allow fake ID to be used as a valid defense, but not many. That's not really the question. The question is, should the 'minor' be charged as well, and if so, with what?