Who really does their homework?

Oct 08, 2007 21:15

I mean really. Who does that?

Tell me I'm not the only one who wastes my entire night on YouTube.

I did do my history homework. And, like, a quarter of the essay that's due Wednesday. Shit. I hate Julius Caesar.

I'm so sick of journalism already. This means I'm actually looking forward to Senior Studio with Tehan. It's crazy.

OMG. I recorded Bruss singing the song from Mr Rogers today. Ha ha. Silly Bruss. And his beard.

Yeah, I need to go sleep because I've been exhausted and shakey all day. So exhausted that I don't even know if I spelled shakey properly. It doesn't look right. And I've been getting joint pain about every day. Which isn't cool. And one of my dogs will probably die soon. He's falling down almost constantly. And my father apparently wants nothing to do with me, considering he hasn't called me of his own volition since like...July. Which means all the times he took me places since last July was just him trying to get back with my mum, not a sincere attempt to reconcile with me. Screw him and his goddamn Asperger's syndrome.

Liz is my hero. She gave me a cupcake. And ha, Wiz didn't even yell at me for eating it in his class.


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