Jan 30, 2006 04:02
Its been a good while since I updated. I guess cause there isn't really anything going on worth mentioning. There still really isn't, but I'll see what I can scrounge up. Well this break consisted with nothing really but routined days of WoW, working out, reading, and talking to Krista, with the occasional miscellaneous trip here and there. I had to pick up a troop from the air port. Freakin guy calls me at like 4pm on Friday saying he'll be in tomorrow at 4pm, and I was frantic. Usually when we are told to sponsor somebody they get in contact with some notice. But thats usually because they take leave, this dummy came straight up here. haha. He probably won't get leave for another year. But anyway, I ran down to the dorm management before they closed in the nick of time to get him a dorm room. And just pretty much waited till the following day to get him. I'm going to stop here because I'm even falling asleep reading this entry. haha. I'll hopefully have a more interesting entry next time, and by more interesting I mean in a positive light. Stay classy planet earth.