Jan 18, 2005 05:29
after pacing myself well with school work, work, and social life stuff for the first two weeks of the quarter, i seriously went off track this weekend. i went out friday and saturday night when i knew i was feeling too hott to begin with, then i got really sick and sent home from work on sunday morming and never made it of bed til monday evening..then i realized that amazon didnt ever charge my credit card for my textbooks that i ordered four weeks ago, thus this is why they have not arrived...
this also means that i was unable to read the book that i have a review paper due on today (tuesday)...which means that i will be hanging this paper in late..i will be spending all day in the library on wednesday in order to get myself back on track for school...today my day consists off straight class from 1030-400. then i have work until 10.
this weekend looks to be lots more work so that way i can get my project and other work that is due next week done way ahead of time so that way i will have time to socialize with CJ when he arrives on monday.
also after realizing that htis is the third week of the quarter, i have realize that finls are 8 weeks off. while this may seem far away to some, it suddenly seems agonizingly close to me. i have lots to get done by then and hopefully will be a more richly educated person as a result of said work.
now its time for a 2.5 hour nap (since i could sleep tonight since i had slept all freakin day) before i have to get up and get ready for class.
i really hate being unprepared for class, esp after i've been doing such a good job this quarter so far.