(no subject)

Jul 05, 2008 12:40

Most of the colleges finished for the summer last week, if other years are anything to go by we will now get an increasing number of teenage newbies on the Pagan forums, some will be bored and just taking a look at what we are about, some will be genuine and few will be damaged souls looking for an answer or acceptance.

Every holiday the number of teenagers with problems such as depression, self harming and eating disorders on increases, most are not genuine Pagans but  believe the Pagan community will be more accepting of their problems and to an extent this is true. certainly Pagans are generally more prepared to openly discuss problems that are considered almost taboo in mainstream culture but with this openness surely there is a degree of responsibility.

In recent years I have taken forums to task, one for encouraging ritual fasting even when it was obvious that at least two of those wanting to take part had eating disorders and another for encouraging a young girl who claimed she slashed her arms with a razor blade to obtain blood for magical rituals - these of course are extreme but even on better boards I have seen conversations about the ins and outs of fasting and self harming being discussed without any intervention from anybody sensible, no words of warning about the danger of such action.

Most of those who read this I consider more sensible Pagans so I ask that you observe teenager being encouraged to do something that is dangerous then intervene - Never mind the fact that you will be treated with scorn by the fluffies that believe that "Anything goes in Paganism" - You may just be saving a young life
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