yea i have no idea what to say i'm just really bored.
i've been up all night because my sleep schedule is so overly fucked AGAIN.
shocked? i know you aren't!
i still have no life. also shocked? of course not.
i need to do something because i'm starting to scare myself.
i might have an opportunity to move away and live on my own soon.
well, move away to live with a friend who will be at that time on his own.
to be roommates. in new york.
the situation is pretty awesome and i like the sound of it i'm just not sure how i feel about it.
it's scary more than anything i think. but part of me thinks its the sort've 'leap-of-faith' if you will, hahaha, that i will probably need and do me some good. it really takes a good shoving to get me to become ambitious.
the world just seems so fucking bland recently. and it's not because i'm never in it.
i can think of millions of things that would naturally be exciting or exhilerating or whatever but nothing sounds appealing anymore. depressing right? haha, no. it's not really i'm just never satisfied.
i don't know what the fuck im doing here really haha. i've just reached the end of the internet and this is it apparently.
i'm sort'of interested in vlogging believe it or not. not vlogging that sounds fucking stupid.
blogging sounds stupid. i mean i can't say that because i do it don't i? i just hate the way it sounds,
like "here listen to the petty, boring, pointless shit i have to talk about that probably close to no one gives a shit about except me and pretending that people do" or whatever you know? i don't know.
but the use of video is really a recent technology and in reality its pretty rad.
that and i think it would give me something to do. i just don't feel eloquent enough to be recorded.
maybe i could work on that. i don't know.
this is going knowhere really!!!!
here's a great bit of nostalgia to lead me out.
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