Jun 24, 2010 11:32
If you look at the preceding post, you might notice that I have not updated since September. Is this a mistake? Do I have numerous hidden posts chronicling my application thus far? Nope. To be honest, until a week ago I hadn't really proceeded further towards the coveted invite. Here's why:
Firstly, I had a form that I needed my therapist to fill out, basically explaining why I went to see her, and I guess what her evaluation of me was. This proved impossible to get, as my therapist had left her practice without leaving forwarding information, and had taken my files with her. I had only seen her for like eight weeks, three years ago, and pretty much just talked through a bad breakup after my first girlfriend, whom I had dated for five and a half years, broke up with me. Unable to proceed, I began to worry that I wouldn't be able to get my forms filled out. When a recruiter visited my college campus (I think in October?) I asked him for advice, and after telling him that I had applied to graduate school as a backup, he recommended that I get my graduate degree and *then* apply, citing that I would have more skills and experience with which to contribute to my assignment. This sounded like a good plan, and so I decided to follow it.
I was accepted to College of the Atlantic as well as the School for International Training's World Learning Program. Deciding between the two schools was proving very difficult, but then something happened that helped me make my decision: my recruiter called me.
This was unexpected, because I had withdrawn my application. I was certainly still interested in the Peace Corps, and had been spending my free time of late reading blog posts on the iPhone PCJournals app. That morning, after an hour of reading blog posts, I had closed my eyes, scruntched up my face, and wished that I had not withdrawn. Suddenly, I was being offered the chance for that to pretty much be the case.
I got my dental checkup out of the way, and my physical (and lab work) is set for Monday. My therapist is still MIA, so the medical office told me to have the clinic just write a letter expressing there is no way for them to contact her, and that her files are with her. Hopefully that will be the end of that.
Everything is back on track, and my medical files will start getting reviewed next week! I can't wait to hear where I might be going, and when I'll be shipping off!