...And that's where babies come from...

Jun 17, 2007 08:23

Ahoy, little ones.

Just checking in. They announced the projected line numbers for July, and I'm not on it. Missed it by 73 lines. Looks like I'll be putting on Staff in August. Time as a SrA without a line: 9 months. Time as a SrA with a line: 12 months. Yeah, it seems like there's something wrong with that.

I've been playing several zombie games online lately. One Father showed me (Zombie Squirrels), one Christina showed me, and another one from the same website. And, tonight, I watched 28 weeks later. Maybe I should've watched Shaun of the Dead as well, made it a zombie-full night.

I've been polishing my horn lately. Little by little, a bottle of brasso, and rags. The parts I've done look damn good, but it's a time-intense process.

I haven't had a steady girlfriend in a while. I don't know if that's depressing or not. All I can say is that I really don't care much for the long-distance thing. 'Amor de lejos es amor de pandejos'.

Lazy weekend. Did some homework, but that's as productive as I got. Did talk to a couple of old friends, which is always refreshing.


A video of when I was in Utah. A few of guys drinking, and one had a few too many. Ended up getting combat carried back to his room. He was hurting the next day. Maybe it was hitting his head on the doorway, the being dropped in the hallway, the getting dragged on his knees, or his knee hitting the door frame. Could've been any of 'em.

Got three new Happy Tree Friends DVDs. Yeah, they've gone nuts. I guess they have a TV show now, so their episodes have gone from one minute, to seven minutes long.

That's all for now. You kids take it easy.

Dr 9
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