Jun 27, 2009 13:26
So, after a lot of running about pulling out my hair and crying, I got myself together and looked around the internet to find that YES, there was a way to create mood themes without being forced to stare at the little thingamabob and entering stuff into it and crying because there was still A HUNDRED AND THIRTY more to go. *sigh of relief* That saved me a lot of crazy, considering my brain is running faster than itself right now.
Right, so, opinions. I already decided I was going to post writing, of course, but I was wondering if anyone wanted me to post more than just writing? I mean, since I do a handful of arty things, just fixed my scanner, and figured out that if I use my tablet to shade pixely things it doesn't look half-bad... BUT, I'm going to leave whether or not I post that sort of thing to the rest of the world, because if no one's interested then no matter how proud of it I am, s'not very constructive to be posty, is it? No, see, I didn't think so.
This is my "actually posting something substantial" post for the day, by the way, and so I am going to make it a long and scary one. Mostly for the sake of it. It seems appropriate to do, after all the fussing and goofing around I did this morning to get things cleaned up and to get my mood theme changed.
This is substantial, right? Well, close enough, anyway.