Aug 20, 2008 02:36
i think women are fucking nuts. you always want what you cant have.
my last broad broke up with me after being in boston for two months (she cheated on me but didnt admit it). said she just didnt want to be in a relationship. but being with natalie made me the perfect gf. i let her do whatever she wanted and respected that she had more important things to do then talk to me. while she was in boston i talked to her whenever she was free. when i was with her i saw her once a week which was fucking perfect. the sex was good. (for her) and yadda yadda.
now she wants me back and i can tell. trying to see me. getting jealous and talking shit about broads i hang out with. telling me how cute i am.
i think i am staying at my parents house till friday. i might as well spend a lot of time with her before i work like a slave to get the fuck to the west.
bla bla bla my other blogs arent so forward, i like this one better.