Something inspired by Walter

Nov 30, 2005 22:17

The Top 10 Greasyest Men Alive: Inspired By Walter :)
and dont meess thats how im useing Greasyest

10. Lars Ulrich

Oh God Lars Ulrich one of the Greasyest Man to ever pound the skins, this guy needs to retire, hes so old! man you know this guy is from denmark eh? that sun really must of have him the greasy look, and his hair, wow back in the gay i thought it was bad, NOW HES BALD, goes to show this greasy drummer must be mistaken for a german greaseball.

9. Michael Jackson.

BABY THIS IS THRILLER!, god michael jackson is the greasyest black man in the fucking universe, but the man turned white cus the children couldnt see him in the dark. this guy has got grease all over him, from the hair to his feet, Billie Jean hopefully wasnt his lover cus whoever can fall in love with that should be shot out of a cannon.

8. M Shadows

Oh god Man this guy has got it all, he tried to cover it up with tattoo's BUT LOOK AT THOSE GLASSES, makes him look like he was born in a taco bell deep fryer, jesus christ this guy is pretty damn greasy, and the hair? look at that, hes a nature born grease machine. god if u think this is bad u should see #1

7. Triple H (this ones for you walter)

oh god! this shining knight in grease is #8 thanks to walter never shutting up about wreastling. god man look at his hair its drenched from rolling around on the ground with all the other boys, LOOK AT HIS BODY ITS SO GREASY I THINK I CAN SEE MYSELF, hes like a fuckin amp pounding on his chest, god and wahts that? ya this fag wears tights to show off his buldge.

6.Dave Mustaine

K This man is so ugly! like god, he shouldnt have been alowed to pick up a muscial instrument hes so ugly! god! but hey, the man can shred. but anyways, this man has little grease on the skin BUT LOOK AT HIS DAILY SELECTION OF CLOTHES! Greasy? very, this is gunther wear at its best people, gross and his hair is greasy in its own way. people it gets worse than this.

5. Lemmy

Alright this guy is one of the founding grease fathers! this guy is so old, and greasy, hes got the greasy hair, the hick appeal, Look at clothes, he dreases to impress what? look at this guys chest hair? if u cant see it ur blind as a bat, who shows that shit off? this guy needs to shower a bit more often and maybe buy a new selection of clothes, maybe stop fuckin playing cards and writting songs about it.

4. Mick Shrimpton

This Guy was in Spinal tap during the movie, this guy BLOWS UP on stage, but hes pretty damn greasy, even when hes fuckin bathing i mean look at this 1:

thats just greasy, he is washing and the grease SHINES off his face, gross eh? and this guy wear teh glasses event the hat at times, gross, very, but spinal tap is a great movie, watch it.

3. Kirk Hammett

Metallica is The Greasyest Band in the world cus if this was a top 11 thing James Hetfield be #11, Kirk Hammett is the greasyest guitarist OF ALL TIME, this thing is the greasyest thing to come out of america since pizza hut, god look at his hair, ITS EVEN SLICKED BACK! oh god kill me now, he wears leather, along with his tight leather pants is a tight shirt to show off his hair, god this man needs to realize hes in his 40's.


this man is soooo greasy that i put up 2 pics, god!, the shirts, the glasses, the hair, the EVERYTHING, hes so greasy i can see myself in him like a perfect mirror.....JUST ON THE PICTURE, if i met this guy in real life id kick him and run away before the smell of his cologne sufficated me to death, THE GREASE EVEN SHINES OFF HIS ARMS oh god this mans song "the Ding Dong Song" is hilarious, and he has 1 dance move, ture greasy European.

and now...finnally

1. Gunther Von Walter

Oh god! theres my pal, this guy beats the original gunther in greasyness!. bad eh? he smells of greasyness and has the whole greasy european personality in his own words he is "a European Sex Machine" the cologne is sooo bad and ITS WILLIAM COLOGNE yup teh black guy who shit on his rug, halloween this guy was out in public, when his hair was ruined he almsot commited suicide in a park then he came up to me and said "I Realized now its not wahts on the outside the counts...ITS THE INNER GREASE! YESS!! GUNTHERS BACK BABY!" ONE SCARY ASS MOMENT, now lets go back in time and look at this man.

scary greasy people, thats the top 10 now here are Lyrics to that greaseball Gunthers song

oh, you touch my tralala,
mm my ding ding dong.
la lalala lalala....
Oh, you touch my tralala
la lalala lalala....
mm, my ding ding dong.
la lalala lalala....

Deep in the night
i'm looking for some fun,
deep in the night
i'm looking for some love.
dedededeep in the night
i'm looking for some fun,
deep in the night
i'm looking for some...

You tease me,
oh please me,
i want you to be my lovetoy,
come near me, don´t here me,
i just can´t get enough of you boy.

you tease me,
oh please me.
i want you to be my lovetoy. come near me, don´t here me,
i just can´t get enough of you boy.

it repeats and shit but ya thats scary, well im done
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