How do you LOSE a city, Jim? How does a civilisation stop existing?

May 14, 2011 17:49

This place is not a place of honour.

This is of no use to those who will come after us.

-Investigate polymers. Each crate hermetically sealing? Must not degrade over millenia.
-Solid state media? Platter based HDDs corrode or physically fail over time.
-File system and firmware custom designed for data input, navigation and display.
-Open to all people of all nations to record. Fund a crate, receive data input allocation.
-Documentary focus. Footage of endangered species. Taxonomical records. Cartography. Ceremonies and rituals. Demographic examples. Political systems and histories. The natural world. The extent of man. Whale songs and Tuval throat singers. Genomes.

"open input" crates at National Libraries worldwide. Give to documentary crews, sociology programs, anthropologists, universities.

As each crate fills (Solid state media measured in terabytes. Possible petabytes of data per crate. Restriction: power consumption to access and display data), taken away to constructed facility, some above ground (ongoing use like a library), some below (archival).

Match each crate to appropriate content-relevant facility, or distribute according to other standards? Build storage facilities to last millenia, attract interest of future cultures and archaeological inquiries. Layout and adorn facilities to explain the contents and encourage excavation.

Seed beneath deserts. Fill hollowed mountains. Litter the ocean floors. Secure beneath lunar surface.

-Seeker can take this further
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