Because there ought to be limits to freedom.

Sep 19, 2007 01:12

Oblique; As with encryption complexity equals security. Cypher of phalanges is impractical, hence lingual simplicity in base format, conveyed textually over unsecured channels. Unbidden perpetuation of reverted state! Incessant speculation of apparatus misuse, as far as a lethal mechanism can be abused for its intended purpose. Within land title, sufficient data is extant. Machination of the machine is made possible through acquisition, a base substance of request and finance. To what end? End justifies means. End, exeunt, enter the cessation. Finality to achieve finality. Recognition of misdeed is also viable, acceptance of state, and again reversion. Mistranslation abounds: Accusation and reaction volatile. Hardship of confession more to the self than the damaged indicative of personification random outcomes of probability negative. Lyrical aptitude extant, quotation viable but revealing. Opposite to perpetually quantifier a non-greater amount, sentient proclamation discovery of sapient status state of preparation toward such an end. Again, end. Circumstances openly and publicly proclaim request for such preparation, current state indicative of objective fact. Transhuman duality. Single surface unitary dimension recognition of being, hence aforementioned intent. Live and let die. Constant of flow direction around position necessitates subdivision of nation. Presented previously non-existent occurance, opacity is the final state of direction. Cessation is solitary consideration. Live and let die.

-Seeker out.
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