Jun 08, 2004 20:06
My two (yeah, count 'em , two) mosquito bites really itch right now. My second one I got on the short trip to throw away the garbage yesterday. I was observing my first one today and I noticed two little black dots on it and I started panicking, thinking that the biter/stinger thing was still in my arm and rather than listening to my mom and pulling it out with tweezers, I waited for my cousin to get home because she's a nurse and she told me that they're just little scabs because I was scratching them (i was). I really was freaking out because I my brother used to be mean to me and say things like,"they're going to have to cut your arm off" or when I would get glass or a splinter in my foot, he would tell me they were going to have to cut it off if I didn't sit still. Yeah, thanks. Now it makes me all paranoid like I'm going to die.
I remember he came home from the doctor and said he had lymes disease and it made me cry and I told my mom and she yelled at my brother for lying to me. I was such a rad-ass little tattle tale. Haha.