we wrote: WE HAD SO MANY FUCKING TYPOS, by we i mean totes my fault.
dear assorted members of whirlwind heat,
There is no normal way to start this letter and so we will not attempt to do such a thing in a normal fashion. We are two unfortunate (not in appearances of course) girls. Unfortunate meaning we are not yet of age to actually see most of the bands that we would like to or in a prime location for such a thing either. Occasionally we will get lucky and rejoice yelling things like “Eureka!!” and “Gadzooks!!” but usually we are not so fortunate. This is how we came to our mission. It’s a beautiful mission, if you must know. We are trying to contact all of our favourite bands over “the internets” because it’s a fabulous thing, seeing as that is how we meet each other in the first place. We are excited to see if anyone actually e-mails us back because that would make us ridiculously and fabulously ecstatic, it is more than possible it would get us yelling “Eureka!!” and “Gadzooks!”
We have liked whirlwind heat since we first saw their video on Much Music’s The Wedge and while back. Now we are the proud owners of a copy of Flamingo Honey and like to play for and listen to it’s ten minute’s of fabulous. Not only is it great to listen to as a whole but did you know that it’s an essential item for a person who religiously makes mix tapes? We kid you not. Have you ever wondered what to fill that last minute of tape? And you just can’t leave it empty because that would be ricockulous and you don’t want to put a crappy song cos that would be mean to the receiver of the tape. That’s when it hits you! Lazy morning or meat packers would be perfect to finish it off with. There you have it, an entire tape saved and perfected by Whirlwind Heat. Thank you very much for this and for all the other music we have heard from you. Stay fabulous.
nev and sarah
p.s. hope this doesn't creep you out too much.
so they wrote:
Hey thanks for the luv, we're glad you like flamingo honey, i like how you use it for mix tapes, that's a good idea. Yeah the being to young thing is a drag sometimes, we had that problem when we were young too. There weren't many all ages shows where we're from. But being young is sweet, enjoy it. We're gonna try are best to make sure our shows are all ages on the next tour. So hopefully you girls can attend.
so we wrote:
Thank you for the quick reply. We will definitly go to see you on your next tour if you have any all-ages shows in Canada. And if not, we can just blast a cd and dance in the street annoying the neighbours (it is quite good to be young)
-nev and sarah
they have not replied.
steve from whirlwind heat, who replied to us: