(no subject)

Oct 20, 2009 17:09

I just realized that by looking at the userinfo you can't tell what this community is about at all really, other than spazz. So this post will stay at the top and explain us. Which begs the question. How exactly would you explain us? In yr own words plz.

the mods say!!!

oh_penis/suffer__me/nev says: the__mission is in no way related to the band "The Mission" (thanks accordingtobex), but with the mission buried deep within our souls. Our goal is to make ourselves known to all those we admire in the most ridiculous way possible. Oh yes, we went there. Basically we e-mail bands we like and a lot of the time they e-mail us back, we also e-mail the nme sometimes and andrewkendall but they don't e-mail us back. We welcome everyone and think yr all just fabulous. We believe in truth, love, beauty, freedom, spazz and smut. We are the__mission, no we don't have lives, thank you for asking.

tizzoast/sarah says: the__mission strives towards an ultimate goal of uniting band and fan. why they fuck should they be deemed cooler than us just cos they're in a band?!?! hmm?? (well maybe cos they can play good music and chances are they are gorgeous and stylish and probs fic-worthy, but that's besides the point!!) basically, we feel it is our mission (see what i did there!?!?1) to put rockstars in their place by making them confront the frightful reality that there are actually crazy (possibly rabid) fangirls out there on the internets that want to hold them and love them and have lengthy, insightful conversations about cheese and maybe do something kinky involving mountie costumes (sup eddie argos?) or maybe just talk about random nothings, which can be fun as well. so, if you want take part in this internetary revolution (lolz!) join the__mission and become one step closer to groping catweazle, or maybe mike balls from glc, or something!

members!!! say!!!

pyjamaramad/joanna says: the__mission is place for like minded people to spaz over their favorite roackstars and other people too. We harass write emails to various people and freak out and lolz around when they respond! It's basically the best thing ever!

tashie_franz says: ilu the__mission

__noshadow/Keila says: the__mission is clearly the greatest community on zee internets. ilthe__mission and everyone else should as well. the end

thisisnotcamden the__mission is crucial to the internets. Along with providing me with such vital information as What Russell Bloc Party's Favorite Cheese Is (for to make him sandwiches, obvs), the ladies of the__mission have gone the extra golden mile and made sure I'm not crazy and that Dominic Masters really is an extraterrestrial. Long live the__mission

chasingwords/ciara says: the__missionis basically an alternative definition for the epitome of cool. It strives to unleish massmurder the art of fangirling to the word, NAY to the bands! Pluswelikecheeseso its all cool. Of course the Golden Gods Mods have made our lives brighter in their wit, class and fucking style. teh end the__missionrocks the sodding casbah

firefly_wings says: the__mission completes me!!! It is the kind of introspective experience that helps one get inside the minds, bodies and souls of FMOUS ROXSTARS through the fantastic newfangled medium of da INTERNETZZZZ !!!!!!!! the__mission is also common spazzing-ground for Argosnauts and Catweazle fans and EVERYTHING GRATE basically!!!!!!!!!! Pretty much Nev and Sarah run not only the community but also my life.
il tha__mission

nmes_bitch/kylie says: It's the only place where every post is exciting and full of useful information. How would we ever throw a tea party with our favourite rockstars without knowing what kind of cheese they like?!?! the__mission test rockstars ability to answer the most GENIUS questions in the world. That's right. The world. So to sum up: ilthe__mission!!!!!!!

fishnet_monkey says: LJ would be crap as without the__mission - how else would we answer all of life's most important questions? It is absolutely essential to the running of THE WORLD, and, therefore, Tony Blair should create a special government department designed just to worship at the temple of its goodness. They can build a monument specially for the__mission. It would be shaped like cheese.

broken_morning says: the__mission contains far to many capital letters and exclamation marks. it hurts my eyes.
the__mission is like sex but with less fluids.

mod_alcyone says: the__mission est la chose la plus brilliante sur l'internet. Je peux parler du fromage de Paul Smith sans etant frappe.

Although the lack of French accents there makes me cry. So how about?

the__mission /rockstars = OTP 4 lyphe OMG.

whiskykisses says the__mission is love. It makes me dream of Dominic Masters and bother people in the street. I worship Nev and Sarah as the gods of cheese and rockstar stalking.
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