Jun 05, 2005 09:58
For some reason, I'm not good enough for someone that likes me too. According to some people "He's not good enough for you.", and "He's just a pervert who wants to get into your pants" oh also, "He's just the backup you know that right?", "You're so much better than him! You deserve better than that!", "You only date guys who are easy to get..". Ok so I'm easy to get? Really? That's funny, cause I have standards too, and I don't just date random people who like me, if I don't like them.. But yeah whatever, let me continue with my fucking rant now.. . Ok so I'm not perfect, I have my problems don't I? Everyone does, and yet they want to act like I am some sort of sick asshole who tries to get into someones pants, when for nearly two months I have not tried to get into this persons pants. I may have hinted to it, but I never tried. I don't do anything unless I have some sort of feeling that person wants me to. So how does that make me a bad person? I mean, I don't really try and do anything that I feel is wrong. No though, I am such a horrible person, and I am not good enough for this person. I am so glad that people can look down upon me, when I look up to them about a lot of things. Now I kind of wish that I could speak my mind to them and put them in their places for thinking so badly upon me, when they don't even know anything the fuck about me.. It's bullshit, and I don't fucking care. Yeah this is a huge fucking rant, I don't fucking care, I am pissed because I really care about this person, and I try and show her as much respect as I possibly can, I treat her better than I have ever treated anyone else, and I just want to make her happy. I don't ask for anything from her, and yet certain people want to say that I don't deserve her, and that I am just a perverted low life. WHERE DO YOU GET OFF FUCKING SAYING THAT? WHAT DID I EVER FUCKING DO TO MAKE YOU THINK THAT? NOTHING, I DID ABSOULUTELY NOTHING TO EVER MAKE YOU THINK THAT!!!! One mistake early on in the relationship, that was it. It was only once, and then nearly 2 months later and you're just now saying all this shit to her about how she is better than me.. well two words for you "FUCK YOU!!!"
I hate people who judge others based on one mistake.. I could say so much, but I choose not to. Yeah I ranted on for quite awhile there, but I have my right to. You have no right to Judge me badly, because I am not that bad of a person.
So anyway, yeah apparently now the person doesn't want me in their life. So I am just not going to mention her so it's alright.