Something's bound to fall

Dec 17, 2006 09:12


He just doesn't care. He is cold and apathetic. I passionately explained to him last night in the most expressive way I could- emotion pouring out and genuine concern for my leg and my fear about it- and he didn't do anything but roll his eyes, sigh loudly, and hum. HUM. While I cried. Yes, I CRIED, I am AFRAID, and this is not some small thing that's happened to me, it may jeapordize my entire future and smash all my hopes and dreams for what I wanted to do with my life and experience sooner.

At this particular point I don't really care about what branch it may be, just as long as I am in the US military soon then I will be content. I used to be so picky about what branch I were going into ("Oh NO, not the Marines!") but now, let me tell you, it really doesn't make any fucking difference as long as I'm in.

See, that's what happens when you want something bad enough- you end up later just wanting it under all circumstances with all the trimmings, good or bad.

My plans will be:
If by August he does not take me to get surgery done to fix my knee, I will pay for it myself with the $ my grandmother gave me for college, wait until 2008 to enlist, and then leave that year.
Then I will be in and will have not had to depend on him at all. Like he WANTS me to do.
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