Well, it's simple. Elite has no actual connection to "we're better than you." Such a notion has simply been imposed on the word. The best way to go about it is to consult Merriam-Webster:
Main Entry: elite
Pronunciation: A-'lEt, i-, E-
Function: noun
Etymology: French élite, from Old French eslite, from feminine of eslit, past participle of eslire to choose, from Latin eligere
Date: 1823
1 a singular or plural in construction : the choice part : CREAM elite of the entertainment world> b singular or plural in construction : the best of a class elite -- Marilyn Chase> c singular or plural in construction : the socially superior part of society elite live -- A P World> elite ... was changing -- Economist> d : a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence elite> elites of the country> e : a member of such an elite -- usually used in plural elites ..., pursuing their studies in Europe -- Robert Wernick> 2 : a typewriter type providing 12 characters to the linear inch - elite
( ... )
Maybe we could kill the intrests list as well. List something more meaningfull than every indie band we really don't care if you like.
And I think once we have a final draft of the new application anyone who doesn't fill it out should be removed from the members list, to get rid of inactive members.
maybe, opa could reapply and actually be a member rather then an outcast who won't go away.
I think I will just make another comment about evils...
Better yet, why not scrap applications altogether? Mods and members should vote/stamp/prick/pluck on LJ users that show promise, that show geniuinely devoted interests and passions in things other than band lists and indie films. They can choose and invite people after reading their responses to random prompts or discussion topics...or by keeping up with a particularly interesting users LJ.
If a user proves himself through intelligent, dedicated communicative skills over a fixed time, then the current members can elect to invite the user to be an actual member. Because, really, the entire point is to be a member and not just a viewer. In a sense, the members will apply the user to the community.
Let's be honest: any hack can come up with a good application. I did it [though I'm no hack] just to see if I could. It was a little cunty, but it was too tempting. Now that I've actually seen some good conversation up in here, I'm a little more compelled to take part.
A couple flaws I see in that design. Do you mean we would have to recruit the members of the community? I don't find that desirable. And if you don't mean that, if you mean that they could participate in our discussions with out being a member [like you do], what of those we deem unworthy? I don't want them tagging along.
Desirable or not, it seems that elitism could be more accurately maintained through recruiting. The message of elitism is always clear when certain people get invited to a party and you don't.
As for the unworthy participants, isn't there a way to ban users from commenting or posting after their time is up? It's like having a bouncer at the entrance to the VIP room.
I think the new application could bring up good debate. I don't wish to have to recruit new members. I think it is much better if they express interest in the community first.
There is a ban feature but despite the number of mods and thier promises, it still seems to tedious a task to acutally ban anyone we have decided ins't a member. I have volunteered to do the shit work and ban all non members, but even giving me temporary access is too much work. I don't know how well that would work anyway, we have trouble coming together as a community on anything other than aplications.
Ugh. I see your point. But hell, what's the point of a community if it doesn't come together?
On the subject of recruiting, the point is that you don't HAVE to recruit anyone. There's simply that option. It just seems like better quality control. Any application that could possibly be devised leaves room for skirting issues, concocting answers, and being a total crackerhead.
But I guess those are issues to be debated later. Or are they?
I do rather like the idea, but again don't think we can really pull it off. There just isn't much organization. We often agree, but no real authority and no communication between the authority makes it pretty impossible.
As for the application, sure you can fake it, but it doesn't do us much harm. If you don't want to be here you will quickly be bored and leave. Why deprive you of the sense of accomplishment for being such a good bullshit artist?
Main Entry: elite
Pronunciation: A-'lEt, i-, E-
Function: noun
Etymology: French élite, from Old French eslite, from feminine of eslit, past participle of eslire to choose, from Latin eligere
Date: 1823
1 a singular or plural in construction : the choice part : CREAM elite of the entertainment world> b singular or plural in construction : the best of a class elite -- Marilyn Chase> c singular or plural in construction : the socially superior part of society elite live -- A P World> elite ... was changing -- Economist> d : a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence elite> elites of the country> e : a member of such an elite -- usually used in plural elites ..., pursuing their studies in Europe -- Robert Wernick>
2 : a typewriter type providing 12 characters to the linear inch
- elite ( ... )
And I think once we have a final draft of the new application anyone who doesn't fill it out should be removed from the members list, to get rid of inactive members.
maybe, opa could reapply and actually be a member rather then an outcast who won't go away.
I think I will just make another comment about evils...
If a user proves himself through intelligent, dedicated communicative skills over a fixed time, then the current members can elect to invite the user to be an actual member. Because, really, the entire point is to be a member and not just a viewer. In a sense, the members will apply the user to the community.
Let's be honest: any hack can come up with a good application. I did it [though I'm no hack] just to see if I could. It was a little cunty, but it was too tempting. Now that I've actually seen some good conversation up in here, I'm a little more compelled to take part.
As for the unworthy participants, isn't there a way to ban users from commenting or posting after their time is up? It's like having a bouncer at the entrance to the VIP room.
There is a ban feature but despite the number of mods and thier promises, it still seems to tedious a task to acutally ban anyone we have decided ins't a member. I have volunteered to do the shit work and ban all non members, but even giving me temporary access is too much work. I don't know how well that would work anyway, we have trouble coming together as a community on anything other than aplications.
On the subject of recruiting, the point is that you don't HAVE to recruit anyone. There's simply that option. It just seems like better quality control. Any application that could possibly be devised leaves room for skirting issues, concocting answers, and being a total crackerhead.
But I guess those are issues to be debated later. Or are they?
As for the application, sure you can fake it, but it doesn't do us much harm. If you don't want to be here you will quickly be bored and leave. Why deprive you of the sense of accomplishment for being such a good bullshit artist?
still like your little mullet, btw.
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