May 11, 2010 22:17
Oh man, I feel so bad for being gone for so long... But I wanted to post and let you all know that I am still here!
I'm sorry to everyone who was working on logs with me, but after my grandma died, I kinda went a bit weird.... So, I hope you can forgive me? *hugs*
Anyone care to get me up to speed on what's going on? ^^;
Ally <3
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I don't think you've missed much, at least not way of plot plottage. There was some little things, like Iori started dating Noriko and Takeru got back together with Michael. I can't remember anything else atm, but that doesn't mean there wasn't.
*more huggles<3*
Ah, so Iori and Nuriko are an item finally, are they? ;D Man, I gotta get back in the loop. D:
Noooo, no fail! *glomps<3* Good luck with therapy~!
Yeppers, they're all coupley now. XD
Aww, cute! Iori deserves some happiness. :D
Indeed he does. Even if I find it a pain to write for Noriko; feels like I'm talking/playing with myself. XD;
Haha, I'd offer to help you write her, but I'd have to see how her personality and all that is first. XD
I'm not sure I even know. ^^;; Idk, if she continues to stick around I might bug Kit about opening up a character spot for her. She might fade back into the woodwork, tho, if Ken and Iori patch things up soon. Guess we'll just have to see how things go.
Ah, that is a good point.. If I can help at all, let me know. ;D
I can just see it now:
Iori to Mina: Blah blah, gibberty gibber.
Dai: What did you just say?! I do not wear women's underwear!
Iori and Mina: ...
Aww, thanks~! <3
Oh gawd... XD That would make for a hilarious comic... 8D If I remember, I am so going to draw that. rotfllll! <3
Oooo, you should! Pretty pictures make everything better. True story. *sagely nod*
Dude, that is so true! ;D Lar would get a kick out of it, too, I'd bet. xD
Oh, you know she would! lol~
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