this was inspired by a close friend of mine, who is having a hard time with love, as many of us have had i'm sure.
does anyone else think writing this type of poetry is really hard? i really don't know how you are supposed to get across your feeling without sounding too "teenage angsty" if you know what i mean. its been said so many times before, i wonder if it gets a bit redundant... anyone else feel the same?
anyway - here is my teenage angst contribution, hope it doesn't make u squirm :p
the downward spiral
carries me into your chains
silver and sharp
i sigh with pleasure
as you bind my wrists
the downward spiral
drowns me in your ocean
dark and restless
i gasp for breath
as you stand above me
the downward spiral
swallows me in your kiss
bitter and sweet
i grasp for my soul
as you draw it out of me
the downward spiral
wears the white mask of love
and whispers sweet and nothings
that echo in the recesses
of my reckless heart
and when i look
down below me
there is only
tell me