Aug 25, 2005 15:40
ok. so i know i just updated, but i don't really have much else to do...
the dress fitting went really
well, and i didn't have to be squeezed into my dress, it fits really
well, although it is lower than my normal outfits, but hey that's ok.
don't get me wrong i am really excited about deb's wedding, but i feel like i am losing my best friend.
well here is all the wedding information i can think of:
-September 23, 7:00
-Church down the street from the school]
-reception is at clavary and it is coffee house style cause that is where they met and had lots of dates (awwe)
-colors are red and black
-we have all the dresses in and they are being hemmed and taken in
-bridesmaids: Me, our cousin Jen, and Roger's sister Netty
-Maid of HOnor: Beth
-Groomsmen: Joe, and 2 of Roger's friends
-Best Man: Damien (Roger's best friend)
-there is a bunch of other stuff, if you are interested let me know, but i think it is kinda boring for everyone else.
Well more later. i have to go get ready. i have a date with deb at 4:15