"Where is it? Where iss it?" …. "Losst it is, my precious, lost, lost! Curse us and crush us, my precious is lost!"
There are fan films. Then there are fan films done right. The section for “The Lord of the Rings” book that was omitted from the film in which Aragorn and Gandalf search for the creature Gollum was mentioned in passing during the “Fellowship” commentary track. A team of UK filmmakers lead by Director Chris Bouchard have gone to painstaking detail to create a Middle-Earth comparable to that which graced Peter Jackson’s “Rings” films. As to whether “The Hunt for Gollum” will be any good remains to be seen. But if the trailer is any indication, it’s sure to be kick ass!
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This week I finished my copy of “Digital Filmmaking 101.” Damn if Newton and Gaspard don’t try their hardest to discourage their readers from making movies. Far more goes on behind the camera than most people know. And I’m clumping those who know quite a bit into that camp.
Thinking about cracking open that copy of Sid Field’s “Screenplay” that’s been gathering dust on my shelf. From what I’ve read, Field tends to go overboard with the anecdotes of Hollywood’s yesteryears. Which makes for a rather depressing, and somewhat arduous, read. Then there’s “Foreskin’s Lament” still needs finishing. Two-thirds of the way through that last one. Still haven’t gotten into “A Game of Thrones” which is so hefty as make the bible look like light reading. I really want to pick up a book on making short films, which is my main interest lies at the moment. Perusing the honest reviews at Amazon helps, but if anyone reading this has a title recommendation or two, by all means let me know.