
Mar 01, 2006 21:40

ack - I should have known not to click on that little question mark - I also should have written my message on MSWord first. I wrote about 300 words and then it got deleted after I pushed the "back" button on my web browser. I just spent 45 min writing, and so now I don't feel like writing any more. I can't remember spending that much time in an evening (let alone 15 min)that was not realated to school, God, physical exercise, or job searching. I think it's a pity putting friends on hold like I have been. Anyway, talk to you later.
I am having trouble trying to decide how much time should be devoted to recreation and relaxing vs. how much time should be devoted to God and God's plans for me. (right now it seems like I'm doing a minimum of physical activity to keep me healthy) One of my friends from church (Ryan Kaarsmaker) told me that I am like a river. I need water to flow in so that it can flow out at the same rate.
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